The Macaroni and Cheese pizza lived up to all of the hype. If you havent heard of it or have heard of it but havent tried it you need to head over to Ians pizza just across from Wandos on University.
Here is B enjoying a piece over the weekend. I have also been informed that it isnt as easy to duplicate this pizza as one would think. But then again B wouldnt ever claim to be a gourmet chef either. And I dont cook unless it is something in either the microwave or the toaster.

Mike "Mr. Think's he's Emeril" I am calling you out and laying down the challenge. If you can make a similar Mac and Cheese pizza on Friday I will facilitate/support your personal alcoholic annihilation this weekend.
i would like to see what Mike is able to cook up. i know from expericance that there is more to the process than just making mac 'n cheese and then making pizza. there is some secret process to the order of how you make the mac 'n cheese so that it's not over cooked when you put it on the dough. plus, who makes mac 'n cheese in the microwave? are you talking about easy mac? that is not even real mac 'n cheese. sure it looks and smells like mac 'n cheese but it's like comparing soy burgers to a real cheese burger. it's the same general idea, but by one's a plant the other is an animal. tsballsars3 you must be the judge of Mike's creation. i will be waiting the results.
I am with Blnd, easy mac compared to real mac 'n cheese is like bringing a plastic snowboard with metal edges to the ski hill. Sure it has the same shape but in the end do you really consider that a snowboard?
I will gladly judge when Mike has something to bring to the table.
Two people calling you out is like a double dog dare. What are you going to do, Sucka?
i know it's been awhile since anyone posted in this, but i just had to confirm the wholesome goodness of the mac n' cheese pizza. i was in mad-town over the weekend, and we happened to hit up ian's at the end of the night. i must say, that pizza is something to behold. i don't know how they do it, but that definitely isn't easy mac dumped on a pizza crust. chalk one up to the crazy stoner's at ian's for coming up with this masterpiece.
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