Skype is the coolest

This is the coolest thing. If you haven't heard about Skype yet you need to check it out. It is a great way to call all over the world for free or very cheap. Called from Germany and talked to my Dad and Sister on their cell phones today and only paid a penny a minute. That is a great savings compared to the 2 Euros I would pay calling from my cell phone. Even a calling card isn't that cheap via a land line.
You are probably asking what is Skype. In the simplest terms it is like an AOL IM with the ability to make calls either computer to computer or computer to phone. I have called cell phones, land lines, and computers all over the states and the sounds quality is excellent. I went to Walmart here in Germany and purchased a headset for $20 and I was ready to do my damage.
So if you are sick of e-mailing me and want to hear my voice check out Skype. My user name is depaslc. Downloaded it and look me up. I look forward to hearing from you. If you haven't early heard from me on your phone.
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sounds cool...
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