Great Way to Start the Week

This is the way I decided to start Monday morning. For some reason I figured that starting my week by slicing open my chin and trying to stop the bleeding for 20 minutes was the way to go.
It would be better if there was a good story behind this one. Nope. This is how I look after shaving with my eyes half closed at 0830 on a Monday morning.
Hope everyone's week is starting better then mine.
Holy Shit. That looks like a D Unit battle wound!!! Put down the switch blade!!!! lol!!! Thank god you didn't need stitches!!! Next time take a minute to wake up will ya!!!! (laugh) Have a great Tuesday!
Ouch! If you weren't so Handsome, that would look really bad!
I'd have to agree with anonymous!!!
I have to agree on this one too... Such a sexy ouchie! Sorry it hurts and well, damn, you're still very hot with that.
Just being honest!
I find bleeding is a great way to start the week... also bone fractures are a good "up and at 'em" thing you can do to get your week off to a spaztacular start.
Hopefully by now, the rest of your week is going much smoother.
wow I have never done that before...i think i will take my time tommorrow when I shave again lol.
It is a week plus later and my chin is back close to normal. Definitely take your time, and make sure you are awake before you put something sharp to your face
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