Business in the front, Party in the rear.

Is it just me or do I have some of the weirdest friends alive? Problem with this mullet is that it is almost too perfect. Crawford you scare me. Top notch mullet, extra props on the lightning bolts. Question is are the bolts identical on both sides?
In my personal opinion your mullet isn't original unless at least two or more of the following conditions were present:
1. You were drunk and this was your self image coming out while you did this to your head with a pair of $20 hair trimmers from Wally World.
2. You checked out your new stylin dew in a cracked mirror.
3. The person that cut the mullet was drunk. (You or "the Barber" because you better not have paid for this)
4. If no one involved in giving the mullet was drunk, the idea was at least conceived at a Titty Bar.
5. *Double Bonus* If none of the previous situations were present. You at least walked into a local bar ordered a beer and one or both of these things happened:
A. No one in the bar noticed anything different about you or your fresh haircut.
B. Someone made a positive comment to you about your haircut but didn't laugh at it or wasn't making fun of you. Like you might have inspired them to go home and create the same masterpiece in what was left of the hair on their head.
So did you pass or are you just a wannabe?
As soon as I saw that haircut I thought "80s rock band" for some reason. WOW.
Whooa we're half way there....who oh liven on a prayyyyer. Sorry just had to get that out.
Too bad that Crawford has zero musical talent. He definitely has the look.
I guess he could sing country songs. None of those singers have talent anyhow.
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