Eating Again

This picture is to dispel the myth of my eating habits. It is true that I have consumed more then my share of brats, steak, and jagerschnitzel while here in Germany. But at the same time I am trying to eat something healthy.
Thanks Mom for making sure to tell me to eat healthy in ever e-mail and phone call.
Also since I am coming home in a week. "I am not going to be fat when I come back." Ha ha very funny guys!
When you come home to the good ole U.S. of A we're hooking you up with some REAL food. Friend chicken, macaroni and cheese and collard greens lol
The following foods are already on my list of thing to eat at home: full rack of ribs, deep dish pizza, and burrito from Qdoba.
What exactly are collard greens? I have to admit that I am just an ignorant kid from the midwest in that regard. We are more of the meat and potatoes kinda people up there.
That is probably why I have no problem stuffing my face here in Germany. At least at home in WI we do beer brats in a bun.
okay I have never heard of Brats and all that other stuff you talk about. Collard greens are the dirty south (lol) vegetable kinda like spinach lol. Actually we need to get you a Philly cheesesteak!!!
I am a big Philly cheesesteak fan. You guys have probably cheesesteak venders at baseball games and we have brat venders at the ballparks in WI. A brat is kinda like a hotdog but about a million times better.
I listen to plenty of rappers from the dirty dirty but they never described collard greens as clearly as you did. Thanks
I am still working on getting my ghetto pass.
OMG LEROY you are so funny LMAO. Yea they have cheesesteak places and vendors everywhere. But only I know the really good place he he he (evil laugh) lol OMG that was hysterical. The "dirty dirty" hahaha Hey you need help getting that GHETTO PASS....., HOLLA! (laugh)
P.S. OK when am I going to be added to the "blogs more interesting than mine" list. Maybe you should have a "blogs more ghetto than mine" list lol -have a good weekend.
I dont see my blog listed!!! republish knucka!!
OMG you put it there holy shit. and you put blogs more ghetto than mine omg let's change GHETTO to GANGSTA lol a simple request lol
You're welcome D
This way I can just click the link on my blog to read your ghetto blog novels on a daily basis
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