Tank Speed Limit?

Friday the 29th I will be back in the states. There I can drive my tank as fast as I want. (Ok I don't have a tank, or access to one, but that isn't the point)
Can a tank really go 90 KPH on a paved road? And if so who is going to stop a tank to ticket them anyhow?
The Tank Speed Limit sign was the oddest sign I saw while in Germany. This sign is posted about 500 yards outside the Air Force Base. (Note: the Air Force doesn't have any tanks). The normal vehicle speed limit on this road was 120 KPH so it wasn't like it was a little back country county road. I could see if this sign was posted in Berlin and they forgot to take it down after the wall came down in the late 80s. But come on, this one is just outside of Frankfurt and it is 2005.
I had to laugh everytime I drove past the sign on my way to and from our hotel. Thanks for making me smile everyday. Crazy Germans!